Data Visualization Tools for the Snow Scope App
Last updated
Data Visualization Tools for the Snow Scope App
Last updated
SnowViz provides tools to view all of your data in different ways to find trends in your data across time, space, aspect, and elevation. Most of this functionality is only available on Snow Scope Pro or Enterprise. This video gives an overview of how it works.
SnowViz is accessed from the main menu (top left menu button) and is available on both Web and Mobile Apps. All images here are showing the web app, but all of the functions work the same on mobile.
The Main View Consists of 3 plots: aspect/elevation, map, and time plot. On each of these plots, the same observation data is plotted - allowing you to see the trends across space and time for the same observations.
You can change which data is displayed on the plots by changing your filters (ex: to change time period , who created the observations, types of observations, aspect, elevation etc) or by changing the map area (the blue circle on the map indicates the area in which observations are loaded for).
You can change the data visualization type by tapping the "visualization type selector" button in the top right. This gives you a list of types to choose from.
The Settings button allows you to change settings for display of color scale, or settings for the aspect/elevation plot.
There are many different types of visualizations offered on the SnowViz view. More will be added over time, but for now (Nov 2024), this is what is available:
Snow Depths
Total Snow Depth - total height of snow from the ground in cm
Depth to First Weak Layer - depth (cm) to the first identified weak layer in the snowpack - representing a layer with at least 1 full drop in hardness from the layer above it
Test Result Failure Depth - depth (cm) where test result failures occured
Depth to Most Critical Weak Layer - depth (cm) to layer interface with the most yellow flags
Grom Score - A numerical representation of the stability of a snowpit. Learn more here
Yellow Flags - A numerical representation of the weakest layer interface in a snowpit. Learn more here
Test Results
ECT Result - category of ECT result (ECTP,ECTN etc...)
Number of Taps in CT or ECT tests - number of taps till failure
Fracture Character in CT tests - if shear quality was recorded instead, it is converted to an equivalent fracture character
PST cut length - normalized to 100cm (ex: a 60cm cut length on a 120cm column would be 50)
PST score - General Failure Category of PST test
Temperature Gradient - The general temperature gradient of the snowpack. Faceting is shown if any portion of the snowpack has a gradient greater than 1 degree per 10cm, rounding is shown if that isn't true, and isothermal is shown if the entire profile is within 1 degree of 0
Surface Conditions
Surface Condition - The estimated surface condition of the snowpack based on the surface grain type, top layer grain type, and top layer hardness
Foot Penetration - The Recorded Foot Penetration in cm
Ski Penetration - The Recorded Ski Penetration in cm
In addition to the main SnowViz view, several of the data visualizations can be shown when viewing profiles in the large view or as a list. These types are:
Temperature Gradient - highlights temperature profile in different colors for rounding (red), faceting (purple), and isothermal (blue)
Grom Score - shows a "stability score" of 1-9 to estimate a pits stability based on ECT score, structure, and snow grain type.
Yellow Flags - shows the estimated layer interface that is potentially most unstable
You can turn these visualizations on and off in the "Profile Settings" menu accessed from the main menu.